Do I Really Need an Air Purifier?

When we talk about air pollution, we're usually describing the outdoor environment. However, people spend most of their time indoors, so poor indoor air quality could pose a serious health risk to you and your family. 


What kind of pollution affects my Indoor Air Quality?

The most important indoor air pollution to look out for is tobacco smoke. The Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS) supports smokefree environments at home, especially where there are children.

Portable and free-standing gas heaters (called 'unflued' gas heaters) release air pollutants – including oxides of nitrogen and carbon dioxide – and moisture inside your house, increasing illness from air pollution, and encouraging growth of mould. The best thing to do is get rid of these heaters and replace them with electric heaters or heat pumps.

Daikin offers its unique air purifying technology in air purifiers to protect air environments in the home, office, and everywhere clean air is important.


Daikin Advantage

Streamer and filtration technologies remove airborne allergens such as mold, mites, and pollen as well as adjuvant substances, viruses, and bacteria. Our unique air intake design enables a greater volume of air to be cleaned for faster air purification. The purifier is easy to use, with a helpful monitor displaying current air conditions make operation simple and easy.


Streamer Discharge

Daikin’s unique Streamer discharge technology decomposes and removes allergens such as mold, mites, and pollen along with unpleasant odors. Perfect for the Kiwi home!

6 Layer Filtration System

Features a streamer discharge unit, plasma ioniser, three filters and Daikin's trademark titanium apatite deodorising air purification filter.

You can learn more about Daikin Air Purifiers here.

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